Alright, Second day of Crossfit. I was excited as usual but the weather was awfully cold.

Weather on 29th Dec 2017
Weather on 29th Dec 2017

Today s workout was much more rigorous than imagined. My body was still recovering and right wrist was bit choppy , but all the pains were forgotten as soon as the workouts started.

Workout Regime :

Dumbbell, Kettle-bell and Rod

  1. Lifted 25 pound dumbbell vertically with right hand.
  2. Lifted 25 pound dumbbell vertically with left hand.
  3. Lifted 15 pound dumbbell with right && left hand together.
  4. Tried snatch movement with the rod, However we switched to kettle bells as i could not take a step backwards after the snatch
  5. Snatch movement with kettle bell. Remember that while holding the kettle bell the thumb should touch your chest and while doing a snatch movement make a straight line through the middle of your head.

CARDIO 15 Minutes Non Stop

  1. Swing movement with Kettle bell - Right hand
  2. Swing movement with Kettle bell - Left hand
  3. Pull yourself completely up using gymnastic wood rings
  4. Take 2 complete rounds of Crossfit gym
  5. Repeat 1 to 4


Diet Routine as per Coach
Diet Routine as per Coach

As per my coach , my diet needs to be modified , I am eating a lot of Complete Carbohydrate diet and my morning breakfast of 2 apple juice sucks as that is direct fructose to my body. My favourite drink of carmel macchiato coffee also needs to wander off in dust . SIGH…. Also my in between snacks of dry fruits(Almonds + Cashew + Walnuts + Pistachios) needs to be regulated as that is a lot of calories . All of these inputs were a big eye opener and i realized why my weight had suddenly shot up.