Swimming workout #1
Weather: Cold
My first day of the year generally starts with fun activities like watching a movie or going to an exotic location where I just relax and eat delicious food along with exotic drinks.
However this year (2018), I kicked off the first day of the new year by starting swimming.
Location: Southdale YMCA Pool Duration: 50 Minutes
Workout Regime :
Workout Time: 50 Minutes, No Break
Today was my first day at the pool. Pool was nice yet crowded, Multiple people were sharing a swimlane and i got in a swimlane with two people in it. I started by doing some rounds of bubbling. Water temperature was mild and once my body got used to it i did a couple of rounds of backstroke.
However I had to keep my neck slightly up, just to see if someone was not coming the opposite way. Luckily I did not bump into anyone. This resulted in a bad sprain in my neck and finally had to eat an Advil to soothe the pain along with an ointment.
I need to probably re-schedule the time of swimming, Evening will make probably more sense but i will plan that on some other day.
Goodnight and i welcome you 2018 with open arms.