Crawling workout #2
Weather: Cold
Day two of crawling was done really late, I got caught up with critical office work during the day and neck pain from the previous day of swimming goof up got from bad to worse. As soon as I arrived home from the office , I just jumped on the bed for rest and immediately went to sleep.
I got up around 11 PM and realized it was late but workout had to be done. Crawling was finalized immediately and by the time I winded off the workout regime it was 1 PM. This is not something which I should be proud of but satisfaction after winding this up was priceless.
Workout Regime :
Workout Time: 45 Minutes, No Break Music: Silence
- 3 Rounds Bedroom to StudyRoom
Crunches on Ottoman
- 3 sets of 25
- 2 sets during breaks in between
Hip Glute raises on Ottoman
- 3 sets of 10